CSM/CSC – Definitions & FAQ

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As you start this course, it will be very helpful to have this overview of frequently used terminology.  Unfortunately, there are a number of acronyms.  CSC, CSO, CSM, NAPSA, ANSI, etc.   Trust that there is a logical pattern and it will get easier over time.


NAPSA: The North American Power Sweeping Association www.powersweeping.org  is the non-profit trade group representing sweeping industry contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers.

ANSI: American National Standards Institute.  The American National Standards Institute is a private non-profit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel in the United States. www.ansi.org

ANSI Accredited Standards Developer:  The Institute accredits standards developing organizations to create and maintain American National Standards.   To become an Accredited Standards Developer requires a significant investment in time and funds.  NAPSA became an accredited standards developer in 2017.

NAPSA Power Sweeping Standard:  Published in late 2018, this is the standard created by NAPSA and approved by ANSI.

To complete this course you should obtain a copy and read it.  It is only 12 pages and will be referenced often.  Lesson 4 goes into more detail.

CSO:  Certified Sweeper Operator – Parking Lot

This is the first course offered on SweeperSchool.com  It takes about 8-12 hours of online training.  Requires an oral exam, a fifty question final exam and verification of 1,000 hours of accident and injury-free sweeper operation. Additional fleet based courses are also available.

CSM: Certified Sweeping Manager – Standard Course

This is the first course to be a CSM.  The focus is on the NAPSA Power Sweeping Standard. Maintaining CSM status requires annual education.  Futures course will include H/R issues, Fleet issues, Ethics, Data Management, etc.  

The word under the logo refers to which CSM course this is.  This course is referred to as:  CSM – Standard,  the next CSM course you may take could be:  CSM – Fleet

Requirements include the completion of this online course, a final exam, and an oral exam. Look for more manager courses coming to sweeperschool.com

CSC:  NAPSA Certified Sweeping Company.  To become a NAPSA CSC there three pieces.

Three Required Pieces.
  1. One person at the firm must complete a CSO course each year*.
  2. One person at the firm must be a current CSM.
  3. The firm must be a current member of NAPSA.

Plus complete a short application/survey.

* Can be Parking Lot, Construction or Municipal (when available).  CSO and CSM can be the same person.

ANSI Power Sweeping Standard  This is a term used by some that is not correct usage.  The “Standard” was created by and published by NAPSA.  The function of ANSI was/is to:

  1. Verify NAPSA as a proper writer of the standard.
  2. Approve the NAPSA Power Sweeping Standard once it was written.

The use of the term “ANSI Standard” is discouraged. It is not “ANSI’s” Standard. It is the Standard created by NAPSA.

The correct usage is the “NAPSA Power Sweeping Standard”.


Can my firm use/adopt the NAPSA Power Sweeping Standard without becoming a NAPSA member?

  • Yes, you may obtain a copy and adopt the practices it contains.

Can my firm use the various courses offered at SweeperSchool.com without being a NAPSA member?

  • Yes, NAPSA membership is not required
  • However, there are significant course discounts and other benefits.
  • NAPSA member companies have access to an on-line portal to keep track of and show proof of completion/progress in all of the courses. (required by some insurance carriers)
  • Currently, NAPSA members get a free course each year. (subject to change without notice)

 Is there a minimum company size to adopt the standard or become a NAPSA Certified Sweeping Company?

  • No, a single person or one truck operation may use the standard and become a CSC.

May I participate in online education even if I am not pursuing becoming a NAPSA Certified Sweeping Company?

  • Yes, the education is open to all.

Is there ongoing education required of a NAPSA Certified Sweeping Company?

  • Yes, one of the three requirements is to have a current CSM on staff.  CSM’s must complete the annual online training.  
  • Also, one of the CSO courses must be completed each year.
  • Additional industry education is recommended, but not required.

Where can I download the NAPSA CSC Application/Survey form:

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